It is a well known fact that most of us would like to remain at home for as long as is possible. Of course at some point we will need some form of assistance. Whether this assistance is just some company to ward of loneliness, perhaps some help with cooking or physical assistance because of an illness or recent operation, it is vital to choose the right person to come into your home.
Most families are often forced into finding someone quickly due to a sudden change in circumstances and this often leads to a mismatch between the care giver and the person in need of help. The results of such a mismatch may be resentment resulting in further resistance to help, increased depression or anxiety and god forbid abuse or theft.
The difference we find when we match the right person to look after the person in need is astounding, the result is truly magic. Where once there was fear of letting someone into their home, now there is a welcome friend. Where their was complete resistance to any help now there is positive anticipation for the person to arrive.
Aspects such as character, age, background are all important when choosing someone to come and help you or a loved one. Nationality and culture are also essential, what good is it having someone who will become an important part of your life not being able to communicate with you, not able to reminisce and chat about the past and current affairs. As we age it is so important to carry on being intellectually stimulated so having someone who can speak, chat and discuss about ones is interests is so valuable.
I often find myself smiling at the synergy created when I introduce one of our lovely care givers and as they start chatting most of the time politely dismissing me with a “ok thanks a lot I think will be fine from here on”
Ours goal here at Seniors Helping Seniors® is to match active seniors who can provide a service in our community to other seniors who would benefit from receiving those services. The character of the seniors both providing and receiving services is key to ensuring the safety and harmony of all. We do our best to match personalities and activity levels and to encourage a strong friendship that is developed as seniors complete various activities throughout the day… together. Like getting a little help from your friends®
We provide more or less most of the non-medical services any elderly person may need to remain happily independent in their own home.