As you are well aware it takes a lot of effort and dedication to look after your loved ones when they are not well or as they age. In addition to the strain of actually looking after someone a family member must also contend with the emotional burden of being related or married, which more often than not increases the difficulty multiple times over.
Sometime you need a rest, both from the physical demands of caring and secondly from the emotional strain that accumulates whilst looking after a loved one.
We at Seniors Helping Seniors® do our best to match the personalities of the carers we provide to the family member being cared for so as to encourage a strong friendship. Like getting a little help from your friends® So when the family go on holiday or just need some rest you will find a kind and compassionate person to help out.
We are pretty enthusiastic about giving the opportunity and the option to the elderly in Malta to remain safely in the comfort of their homes for as long as possible and thereby enabling families to enjoy their loved ones whilst carrying on with their normal routine or taking a rest with full peace of mind.